Linggo, Nobyembre 13, 2011

Monkayo NHS Science Club(Biology) Outreach Program

    Several science club  members in the second year level of Monkayo National High School (YES-O ,  PSYSC and RAINWATCHERS CLUB ) made  an outreach activity of planting fruit trees around the perimeters  of  Gawad Kalinga Village, Liboton, Monkayo, ComVal  last November 12,2011  This place was 5 kilometer away  from the highway . 
     As the students walked towards the village, they  got to have a chance of observing the patches of grasslands and bushes along the way. They observed few butterflies and heard chirping of birds as the trudged on. Their adviser  give inputs on the reasons why this creatures are dwindling in numbers........."because of habitat destruction, use of pesticides and unabated hunting of these species."  And at the same time they stop by  to  post environmental signage along the road to the village  to inform the inhabitants  that nature is important and should not be exploited and destroyed.

    Upon arriving in the area , they had a courtesy call to the President of the Gawad Kalinga  Home Owners Association, Mr. Alex Andaya. He ushered the group to the area for planting.Together, the students  planted the fruit seedlings that they brought along with them..  And at the same time they posted environmental signage along the road to the village  to inform the inhabitants  that nature is important and should not be exploited and destroyed.
    The activity was spearheaded and managed by Mrs. Lemcie Dy  , the Science Coordinator of the school and at the same time the students'  biology teacher..She said that " This is part of their value transfer in the lesson BALANCE OF NATURE.

Ma'am Lemcie Dy....the Biology mentor with the 2nd year students

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