Lunes, Nobyembre 14, 2011

Barangay Olaycon: NATIONAL CHAMPION in the nationwide search for "BARANGAY WITH BEST SANITATION PRACTICES"

    Scattered plastics, crumpled papers and used bottles all around the area.
    All of these are can't be found in the Barangay Olaycon, why? It's just because Olaycon manages to maintain its cleanliness and as a result the barangay is the most visited, most cleanest barangay in the municipality of Monkayo. In addition, Barangay Olaycon Won the 1st place as the "Barangay with Best Sanitation Practices" in the whole region of Southern Mindanao. But this isn't the reason for them to boast instead they continue their practice.
    As they continue, they made their barangay more beautiful than ever! Posted environmental signage all over the barangay, organize tree planting activities, segragate garbages and a lot more programs concerning about the environment preservation and beautification, Material Recovery Facility (MRF). Then again garnered as the National Champion of "Barangay With Best Sanitation Practices".
    This achievement is made possible with the active and dynamic barangay captain Hon.Janet B. Diel. Please accept our armest Congatulaation to you Ma'am Janet and  to your ever supportive contituents!
    According to her the credit does not only go to the barangay officials but also to the industrious barangay folks.

Linggo, Nobyembre 13, 2011


  Monkayo National High School attended  the 2011 COMPOSTELA VALLEY BSP PROVINCIAL JAMBOREE  held at Nabunturan , Compostela Valley last October 7-1, 2011 with the theme; SCOUTERS....TODAY and TOMORROW.Different secondary schools in the  twenty one (21)municipalities joined the said camp.
  The BOY SCOUTS were exposed to many activities such as community service, environmental clean up, disaster survival skills ,drills etc.  The scouters have transformed the  messy camp surroundings into a clean and livable area after they arrived. They picked plastics, cellophane, cans,  bottles and other solid wastes.. They live up to their motto: DUTY TO GOD , DUTY TO SELF, DUTY TO OTHERS AND DUTY TO MOTHER NATURE.
  As par t of the jamboree activity, they made Christmas lanterns out of recycled materials like cellophane and sticks. The BSP of Monkayo NHS were very creative in turning trash into beautiful christmas decors/ornaments. This shows that the boy scouts were not only ready for adventures, but also ready in saving and protecting Mother Earth.
     At the closing program, the  BSP of Monkayo National High School was awarded as the CLEANEST CAMP in the said event. The  scouters of  Monkayo NHS  became the role model as well as the ambassador  to showcase the schools' best practice on having sustainable and eco-friendly environment.Other awards that they recieved are the following:Champion - Laro ng Lahi,Champion-Fancy Drill,Champion-Scout Palabas,First - POster Making. 
       Congratulations to you scouters! You make Monkayo proud of you. Keep it up!

Monkayo NHS Science Club(Biology) Outreach Program

    Several science club  members in the second year level of Monkayo National High School (YES-O ,  PSYSC and RAINWATCHERS CLUB ) made  an outreach activity of planting fruit trees around the perimeters  of  Gawad Kalinga Village, Liboton, Monkayo, ComVal  last November 12,2011  This place was 5 kilometer away  from the highway . 
     As the students walked towards the village, they  got to have a chance of observing the patches of grasslands and bushes along the way. They observed few butterflies and heard chirping of birds as the trudged on. Their adviser  give inputs on the reasons why this creatures are dwindling in numbers........."because of habitat destruction, use of pesticides and unabated hunting of these species."  And at the same time they stop by  to  post environmental signage along the road to the village  to inform the inhabitants  that nature is important and should not be exploited and destroyed.

    Upon arriving in the area , they had a courtesy call to the President of the Gawad Kalinga  Home Owners Association, Mr. Alex Andaya. He ushered the group to the area for planting.Together, the students  planted the fruit seedlings that they brought along with them..  And at the same time they posted environmental signage along the road to the village  to inform the inhabitants  that nature is important and should not be exploited and destroyed.
    The activity was spearheaded and managed by Mrs. Lemcie Dy  , the Science Coordinator of the school and at the same time the students'  biology teacher..She said that " This is part of their value transfer in the lesson BALANCE OF NATURE.

Ma'am Lemcie Dy....the Biology mentor with the 2nd year students

Sabado, Nobyembre 5, 2011

Farmers and Fisherfolks' Month Celebration

     Municipality of Monkayo launched the very first FARMERS AND FISHER FOLKS' MONTH CELEBRATION with cooperation of the Department of Agriculture last May 2011.

    According to Engineer Sunshine Paulin, Agriculturist, the late President Corazon Aqiuno declared the 1981 Presidential Proclamation #83 as the Farmers and Fisher folks' Month celebrated during the Month of May. But, what is the purpose in having this event? Well, as Engineer Paulin added, "this month of May is focus on the farmers; they also had different forum, seminars and programs to help and guide farmers in their field whether it is livestock and poultry or rice plantation.

   In lined with this celebration, the Municipal Agriculture and Fishery Council of Monkayo conducted the following activities: two-day Mobile Soil Analysis(May 5-6), Livestock and Poultry Caravan(May 6), Photo Exhibit(May 9), Oil Palm Forum(May 10), and Seminar In Vermi culture Composting(May 12). TheCulmination Program was held at Monkayo Gymnasium last May 25, 1011.

   Part of the culmination is the awarding of "Mga Natatanging Magsasaka'': Monkayo Tribal Youth Organization(MTYO), National Winner-Ten Achievers Youth Organization 2010; Mr. Luciano Mascarinas, National Finalist-Gawad Saka Outstanding Rice Farmer 2010; Mr. Isimael Cabusora, Regional Finalist-Gawad Saka Young Farmer 2011; RICOP Monkayo Farmworkers Beneficiaries Multi-purpose Cooperative(RIMFABEMCO), Regional Finalist Gawad Saka Outstanding Small Farmers Organization 2011.

  The month celebration was highlighted by the theme: "SAMA-SAMA TAYO SA PAGPAPAUNLAD SA ATING KANAYUNAN AT KARAGATAN."

  Engineer Paulin recommended us (as aconcerned students of Monkayo NHS about the environment) to help  Mother Nature stop crying by organizing a central compost pit in our school  and also by using biodegradable waste as organic fertilizer. Through this, we can help plants productivity and can lessen soil erosion.

Miyerkules, Nobyembre 2, 2011

Average Monthly Rainfall (Monkayo NHS Monitoring Station)-- CY 2010 and CY 2011

           Monkayo National High School is one of  1st batch of  17 Rainfall Monitoring Stations  of  PROJECT RAIN GAUGE  organized by SMART Philippines under SMART SCHOOLS PROGRAM  in partnership   with  DepEd , PAGASA, the Typhoon Commitee Foundation,Inc. AGHAM or the Alyansa ng mga Grupong Haligi ng Agham at Teknolohiya Para sa mga Mamamayan,... way back August 2007. And Mrs. JACQUELINE B. BETE  was assigned as the point person.
          The school organized  its RAINWATCHERS CLUB  yearly which religiously  monitor the amount of rainfall  during rainy days and diligently submit daily with or without rainfall the data/ readings gathered. The purpose is for the PAGASA to established climate patterns all over  the Philippines since climate is obviously changing not only here in the country but all over the world. The farmers will also be benefited for they will be given advise on when to plant or not to plant crops in the year. Another reason is to monitor hazards brought about by too much rainfall and do mitigating measures to  avoid damaged  done by  flash floods, landslides and other heavy rainfall related calamities .
        Below is the data of the average monthly rainfall recorded / submitted by  Monkayo NHS  Rainwatchers Club for the CY 2010 - Cy 2011( up to October only) with graphical representations. If the climate pattern of the Philippines is only based in these two years data, we  think it cannot be established accurately. Data needed must be in  a series of  many years to compare and contrast to come up with a valid conclusion or generalization about Philippine climate today and in the near future..
         In this connection, Monkayo NHS Rainwatchers Club promised to continuously support SMART/PAGASA and will always read, record and report rainfall data to PROJECT RAIN GAUGE.

CY  2010                            Monthly 
Average Rain Fall (mm)

CY 2011                          Monthly Average Rain Fall (mm) 
January                                                       45.16 
February                                                     44.67 
March                                                         34.84 
April                                                             7.60 
May                                                              8.23
June                                                            14.24
July                                                             11.65 
August                                                       12.68 
September                                                 17.27 
October                                                       5.23 


Martes, Nobyembre 1, 2011


 FUTURE VISIONS.............

          What will you be doing on this day in the year 2030? It's only 19 years away. Try to imagine how life would be then. What kind of world will it be? Will the world be in the middle of a major environmental catastrophe? Or maybe we'll have solved our environmental problems?Maybe there 'll have been a nuclear war? Or will there be a world peace?
       And what will have changed in our homes and schools? Look around your house and your classroom. Which of the gadgets you use everyday do you think will still be around in 2030? Clock radios?  Microwave ovens? Telephones? Books? The Helix magazines?
      If you were in the age as now, but living in the year  2030, what would your room look like?How  might your life be different?There is no way we can know  for sure but we can guess.
      You don't need to work at home for the robotics technology will provide your house helpers to do domestic chores for you.
        Want to go shopping ? No problem. Slip into a virtual shopping arcade and spend some electronic pocket money buying a new pair of runners. Or buy the latest album, you won't  have to wait ..the shop can send it straight to your  computer..or go to a virtual concert- even take part in a virtual music video.
       Instead of going to school everyday , you could take your lessons at home...join a virtual Chinese language class taught from Hongkong or drop into a Californian school to see how they teach genetics.

             By early next century ambulances racing to hospital would be able to beam images of their patients ahead of them so doctors could see what was wrong before they arrive.!
            People would be able to shop from home in virtual supermarkets, walking around shops ,choosing what they want and paying for it, electronically at virtual check outs. A consumer might even decide his or her own car or bicycle from home then order it to be made.
           Impossible? Not according to Dr. Bob Frater.,the director of the CSIRO's Institute of Information Sciences and Engineering . Bob said "wireless" technology would improve so much that even videos and pictures could be beamed without wires in a split of a millisecond. He also said cheap microprocessors would make possible a flood of micro sensors  which would find their way into everyday objects . Computer chips in 2030 would be many times more powerful and far more cheaper, than they were now.

         And what about other things? there's no point in trying to guess what fashions will be like or hair styles. But it's far bet that biotechnology in the year 2030 would take the lead . You might even be able to double a bit in virtual genetic  engineering from your home computer.

        You want hamburger to be delivered?Dial the hamburger factory and order it just how  you like it or you could just program the fermentation vats to produce it for you. And maybe by 2030 all the foods you eat might be genetically engineered and modified to taste better , to produce higher yields, pest resistant  ,grow fast and survive tough conditions. And there might be "pharmers" in 2030, people who grow genetically engineered crops to produce pharmaceuticals and other chemicals and materials for use in medicine and industry.
        Your home pets might be a zebra-striped miniature elephant or a cute kitten that has been engineered genetically so it will never grow up.

        I don't know. Nobody does. But i do know the world has changed and it has changed a lot!
The world in 2030 will be how we make it. World environmental disasters and solutions don't just happen- people make them happen. People like you. Everyday you are helping create the future. It's a safe bet too that science and technology will play a big part in all our future.