Miyerkules, Setyembre 28, 2011



     Signage, one way to remind everybody important things that has to be remembered. In this way people easily get the message you want to tell them.Simple it may look, but this signage's helps our school the MONKAYO NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL   to become a more sustainable and eco-friendly school.
     There are about 60 signage’s posted around the campus and three–fourth of them are about the proper disposal of waste or R. A   9003 and saving mother earth : like, “THROW YOUR GARBAGE PROPERLY”, “SAVE MOTHER EARTH”,"SAVE PAPERS, SAVE TREES", "ONE TREE CAN MAKE MILLION OF MATCHES,ONE MATCH CAN DESTROY MILLION OF TREES", "THINK GLOBALLY, ACT LOCALLY", "PLANT MORE TREES TODAY,INHALE FRESH AIR TOMORROW","RESOURCES WASTED TODAY,RESULT TO SHORTAGES TOMORROW" , KNOW YOUR ROLE AS THE STEWARD OF CREATION", NURTURE NATURE FOR OUR FUTURE", "CONSERVE WATER", SWITCH OFF LIGHTS WHEN NOT IN USE",SAVE THE WORLD!". By this signage’s the students are reminded not to do littering , do vandalism and conserved electricity,water and other resources in and outside the campus.
     These signage’s are not only posted around the campus as decorations but this play a significant role as an “INFORMER”. But of course this signage’s are not only in our campus but also all over the municipality of Monkayo since our municipal mayor Hon. Manuel B. Brillantes Jr. is also an advocate for environmental protection, conservation and preservation. .There’s no doubt that MONKAYO NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL and THE MUNICIPALITY OF MONKAYO are one of the nominees of the most cleanest  all over the region .
     As we interview our YOUTH ENVIRONMENT SCHOOL ORGANIZATION (YES-O) moderator and project raingauge point person, Mrs. Jacqueline B. Bete,  she says, “that if we continue caring for our environment or just simply obey the signage’s we can save the  MOTHER EARTH and preserve  nature for the next generation “. In addition , she states ,”Our place(EARTH) is not a toy that can be recycled no matter how many times we destroy it   but instead it is a home of every human being and should deserve care and love from  the people who live in it.
    As a concerned student , we advise you to read, follow and should not ignore the environmental signage’s that might help us to save our dying mother earth and please do join clubs not only in your school but also in your community that  campaigns  against "destroyers of mother earth”.
                                                                              by: Fronnyl Joyce Dingal

Signage along the covered walk.......

signage on trees....

Signage inside the classroom

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