Sabado, Enero 14, 2012


Coconut trees submerged in flood water...

Carabao place in higher ground road side..flood at the outset.

The flood have subsided by 1 foot..see the water marks on the wall.

The Poblacion terminal flooded too..

Families were forced to evacuate due to fast rising flood...

Miyerkules, Enero 4, 2012


Makeshift houses...flooded after one night of heavy rains
People from this barangay were evacuated....
Household appliances vacated on the streets....

Vegetable Plantations flooded....

       December 15,2011...the evening ABS-CBN News broke out...informing that Compostela Valley , our province is included in the list of places to prepare since typhoon SENDONG  will pas with a strength of signal no. 2 . I am surprised because never have I remembered that a typhoon hit us.
      December 16, 2012 ..As I woke up I immediately looked at the creek situated at the back of our house . And to my  dismay, the water has overflowed its banks ..It has been raining since December 13 thus, the soil was already supersaturated with water.The rain is getting stronger.,the raindrops bigger. But I am excited for we will have a Christmas Teachers Party sponsored by the Local Government Unit at the municipal gym. So, I hurriedly took a bath..get dressed and ask my hubby to service me to the recreation center.
      The activity started with a thanksgiving mass followed by a program Then, a fellowship lunch was served by LGU...And after everybody have eaten, parlor games and raffle draws were conducted. Everybody have a great time ! Picture takings here and there. But outside, the batterings of strong winds and heavy rains are  going on.
       I went home by 5 p.m. and text ed  my hubby to fetch me. Together we  monitored  the status of  Agusan River situated  1/2 kilometer away from Poblacion. And we were worried with what we have seen. Household appliances and other household belongings were lined up and compiled on the streets ready for hauling to higher grounds because the river water  has spilled out of the river bank. Many families have their houses built on the river allowance or flood plains thus, they are easily flooded during heavy rains. But this time its different for the heavy rainfall took place for a night and one day only yet they  are submerged in the  flood already. The rushing floodwater  took them by surprised that many were not able to carry all their belongings.It's the first time that we have this kind of heavy rainfall and floodings within a short spun of time. Upon arriving home, I also get ready for the water in the creek at the back of our house is slowly creeping towards our abode.Good ...that the rain had stop in the middle of the night and the water did not reach us.
        The Municipal Disaster Coordinating Council of Monkayo were very prompt ,vigilant and extended their help to these flood victims. Many were evacuated to the gymnasium where we had our party day before. And they stayed there until the flood subsides. Thanks to the timely and immediate actions of MDCC that there was no casualties recorded or reported.